Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bigfoot in the wild!

Here are a couple of shots of the elusive "ape-man" as seen in the wild...

First up is Blastoff Comics in North Hollywood, CA.

bigfoot sword of the earthman issue 1 and 2 blastoff comics north hollywood comic book barbarian graphic novel
Blastoff Comics - North Hollywood
Next up is Meltdown Comics in West Hollywood, CA.

bigfoot sword of the earthman issue 1 meltdown comics comic book barbarian graphic novel
Meltdown Comics - West Hollywood

If anybody else has a "sighting" in the wild, send us a photo at brewhousecomics[at] and we'll post it here!

Thanks to all of the "Brewhouse Thirteen!" for supporting our comic, Bigfoot - Sword of the Earthman!

And if you're not close to one of the thirteen, you can always pick up a copy via our Bigfoot Store!

Have a good one,

Josh S. Henaman