Saturday, December 21, 2013

Bigfoot - The Black and White pages!

In a black and white world...

There is good.

And there is evil.

Today we're giving you a little bit of both.  No context, no dialogue, just some random images from the fifth issue of Bigfoot - Sword of the Earthman!

Happy Winter Solstice!

bigfoot sword of the earthman issue five bigfoot comic bookbigfoot graphic novel barbarian comic

bigfoot sword of the earthman issue five bigfoot comic bookbigfoot graphic novel barbarian comic

bigfoot sword of the earthman issue five bigfoot comic book bigfoot graphic novel barbarian comic

bigfoot sword of the earthman issue five bigfoot comic book bigfoot graphic novel barbarian comic

bigfoot sword of the earthman issue five bigfoot comic book bigfoot graphic novel barbarian comic

bigfoot sword of the earthman issue five bigfoot comic book bigfoot graphic novel barbarian comic

Issue five of this little sci-fi sword, sorcery and sasquatch epic is coming soon!

And don't forget, you can still get caught up on issues 1 - 4 by visiting the Bigfoot Store!

Stay tuned!

Josh S. Henaman